12 December 2021 (updated on 9 January 2022)
New Member Tea
The Chesapeake Bay Garden Club (CBGC) held a tea welcoming its new and potential members on November 9th. The tea was held at the lovely home of Kathie Truxall. Our newest member is Joanne Gills (seated). Cathy Sarmento (standing) has attended one of our club general meetings and can officially join upon attending one more. Fourteen members of the Board were present and contributed delicious finger food for the occasion. Each member of the Board shared information about the work they do for the club. It was an enjoyable afternoon.

Annual Holiday Luncheon
Our Holiday Luncheon was held on December 7th at the Indian Creek Yacht & Country Club. Members enjoyed a delicious lunch with good friends in celebration of the Holiday season.
As has become the club's tradition, members each brought a uniquely wrapped gift to exchange in a random gift swap as the poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" by Clement Moore was read.
Article contributed by Karen Luzuriaza and Tricia Mrzyglod. Photos by Debbie Gwaltney.
Note: Update made on 1/9/2022 to indicate that Cathy Sarmento will officially become a club member once she attends her second meeting.