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CBGC General Meeting - Feb 2019


Tuesday, 26 February 2019

President, Helen Bell called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m. Chaplain, Cindy Boyce, offered a garden club prayer from the Claremont, Florida, Garden Club, followed by recitation of our Garden Club Prayer and the Conservation Pledge.

Speaker: Heather Bedford, "Native Medicinal Herbs"

Helen Bell introduced our speaker, Heather Bedford, a Bio-regional Folk Herbalist, who outlined the many medicinal uses that can be applied from infusing the flowers, stems, and/or roots of native plants with various elements: alcohol, water, honey, vinegar, oil. She also shared several references (books and catalogues) with information about native plants and herbal medicines. For a written copy of her presentation, including recipes, e-mail Heather at


Minutes of the January General Meeting, prepared by Kathie Truxall and approved by Debbie Gillispie and Karen Luzuriaga, were e-mailed to the members. The Treasurer’s Report for January, prepared by Treasurer, Debbie Boze, was also e-mailed.

Membership reported 2 guests (Lydia Haynie and Tammy Lacey) and 35 members present, including a new member – Pamela Plum.

President’s Report

Helen announced the change of date and location for our Horticulture Specialty Flower Show. It will be Saturday, May 18th in the Transportation Museum Building at the Heathsville Tavern. There will be an organizational meeting for this event following today’s General Club Meeting. Set up for the show will be Thursday, May 16th beginning at 3:00 p.m., entries will be accepted on Friday, May 17th beginning at 9:00 a.m., and judging will begin at 1:30 p.m. the same day. The show will be open to the public on Saturday, which is the same day as the Farmer’s Market.

Because the Piedmont District Meeting is Monday, March 18th, the next CBGC Board Meeting will be Monday, March 11th. All members are again invited to attend this meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the Northumberland County Library, to see how your club functions behind the scenes and give your input for the years ahead.

Committee Reports

Horticulture - Rebecca Elston reported today’s horticulture awards: Sharon Lemke: 1 red, 1 yellow; Helen Bell: 7 blue, 2 red; Nancy Stogowski: 1 blue, 1red; Patsy Sylvia: 1 blue; Debbie Gwaltney: 1 blue and Best in Show.

Floral Exhibits - Sharon Stieber reported the awards for today’s Traditional Line Design with an oriental flavor were: Jerry Jenkins, red; Kathie Truxall, red; Carol Cole, blue; Sharon Stieber, blue; Patsy Sylvia, blue; Sharon Lemke, blue and Best in Show. Sharon also reported on the Creative Floral Arrangers of America (CFAA) Seminar she attended in Orlando, FL last week. Some pictures of the amazing designs created and displayed at the seminar will be posted on the club website.

Nominating Committee - Only three of the officer positions for 2019-2021 have been filled; members need to step up to this deficiency so our club can plan for the coming years.

Scrap book - Debbie Gwaltney announced that she will be posting pictures on Flicker, a much more user friendly site than Shutterfly.

Other announcements

The Treasurer, Debbie Boze requested dues for next year be paid at the March or April meeting, or mail them to P.O. Box 605, Reedville, VA 22539-0605. Make checks for $40 payable to CBGC.


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