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CBGC General Meeting - Jan 2019


Updated: Feb 18, 2019

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

President, Helen Bell called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m. Chaplain, Cindy Boyce offered a prayer followed by repetition of the Garden Club Prayer and the Conservation Pledge. Roz Messing led us in singing the Club Song, in memory of Joan Clements, a long time club member who passed away on Saturday, January 19th.

Speaker: Sue Lindsey, "Reflections of Paradise: Garden of the Islamic World"

Darleen Nelson introduced our speaker, Sue Lindsey, a garden activist and educator, who traced the evolution of the Islamic Garden from China, to India, to Persia, to Egypt, the Roman Empire, and on to Spain and the Western World. All gardens contained the same basic elements: walls for protection, an entrance gate, water, and trees for shade and fruit. As gardens evolved, elements were added to engage the senses of sound (birds and running water), smell (fragrant plants/flowers), and sight (reflection), but the purpose remained as a place to seek oneness with God, while experiencing the delights awaiting the faithful in paradise.


Minutes of the October General Meeting, prepared by Kathie Truxall and approved by Sue Moore and Debbie Gwaltney, were e-mailed to the members. The Treasurer’s Report for October - December, prepared by Treasurer, Debbie Boze, was also e-mailed.

Membership reported 1 guest (Pamela Plum) and 30 members present, including a new member – Gwen Martin.

President’s Report

Helen thanked Susan Brandli, assisted by Kathleen Petersen and Lewis Edgell, for a fun Christmas Luncheon on December 11th.

The 2019 Virginia Federated Garden Club Convention will be held in Williamsburg on March 31 - April 2 at the Double Tree Hotel. We will be submitting a picture of our club members from 20+ years ago, including our club founder, Addie Roberts, and Frances Biddlecomb, whose family instigated our “Spirit Award” (a dogwood and cardinal pin) passed to members who exhibit exemplary service to our club. This picture will be displayed at one of the meals at the convention. We will also be sponsoring a Dedication Page in the Convention Program to honor Lorraine VanWickler for her participation in all levels of garden club activities from our club to the state. Registration deadline to attend the convention is February 28, 2019. Sharon Lemke will be providing an arrangement as decoration for one of the dinners.

The Rappahannock Art League in Kilmarnock is holding an Art & Flower Exhibit on April 5-6 with set-up on April 4, and asking for volunteers to prepare a Floral Exhibit to interpret a piece of art work. Carol Medlin, Jacqui Penney, and Kathleen Petersen have indicated an interest in participating. Our Floral Exhibits Chair, Sharon Stieber will be scheduling a workshop in late March to help with this endeavor.

All members are invited to attend the next CBGC Board Meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, February 18th at the Northumberland County Library, to see how your club functions behind the scenes and give your input for the years ahead.

Committee Reports

Awards - Patsy Sylvia has submitted award applications for the Club Yearbook, Historic Preservation, Youth Horticulture Education (Ready, Set, Grow), Social Media/Website, and The Saved Seed Educational Award. The 34-page Publicity Press Book was mailed today, thanks to the wonderful newspaper articles submitted by our Publicity Chairman, Karen Luzuriaga.

Piedmont District Meeting will be Monday, March 18th at the Four Points Sheraton in Richmond. The business meeting and awards presentation will begin at 10:30 a.m. Lunch and the design program featuring members of the Washington Cathedral Flower Guild will follow. The cost is $30 due to Patsy today; make checks payable to CBGC. Car pools will be set up in March.

Ways and Means - Because Barbara Shultz has moved to Assisted Living at Westminister Canterbury, she donated many books, tools, and supplies to the club, displayed at this meeting. Over $50 was collected from the small donations made for the purchase of these items. Thank you, Barbara.

Horticulture - Rebecca Elston announced today’s horticulture awards: two blue ribbon entries of orchids exhibited by Alice Stieve, one of which was awarded Best in Show. Helen Bell posted pictures of her orchids today on the CBGC Facebook page.

Rebecca also announced an Orchid Show at Strange’s on West Broad Street in Richmond on February 22-24, 2019.

Floral Exhibits - Awards for today’s Traditional Design of the Victorian period (1830-1901) were: Jerry Jenkins, blue; Sharon Lemke, red; and Kathie Truxall, blue.

Birds, Butterflies, and Bees - Susan Brandli announced the Great Backyard Bird Count will be conducted February 15-18. Log onto the Northern Neck Audubon Society website and download the checklist to submit your count.

Other announcements

Funeral for Joan Clements will be Saturday, January 26th at Currie Funeral Home in Kilmarnock. Visitation will be at 10 a.m., funeral at 11 a.m., followed by burial at Fairfields Cemetery on Hull Neck and Folley Road. There will be a reception following the service at Horn Harbor Restaurant.

Debbie Gillispie announced the Philadelphia Flower Show this year will be March 2-10. Please contact Debbie if you’d be interested in making the trip. This year’s show is titled “Flower Power”.


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