27 September 2019
Even before the new club year began, the Chesapeake Bay Garden Club (CBGC) was off and running. The club held a fall garden cleanup in Reedville and a tea for new and prospective members to kick off an exciting new year.

On September 12th, eleven club members and one spouse helped weed and freshen up the Reedville Fishermen’s Museum (RFM) gardens. Four members worked prior to this date because of scheduling commitments. Cleanup activities were in preparation for the Just Gardens Tour that took place in the Reedville area on the 13th and 14th of September, as well. The heat was extreme, but the club turned in thirty-five volunteer hours to the RFM.
With all the helping hands, the work was bearable even with the heat. Lee Langston-Harrison, RFM Executive Director, sent over muffins and grapes to help keep the workers going. CBGC firmly believes in supporting their community.

One week later, on Wednesday, September 18th, the club hosted a tea for its new and prospective members. It was held at the home of Susan and John Brandli of Lottsburg, VA. There was a delectable spread of sweet and savory treats provided by the club officers and committee chairmen. The view of the Yeocomico River provided the backdrop from the Brandli sunroom.

It was a fun afternoon sharing information about the club’s activities and getting to know the interests and talents of the following honored guests: Pam Plumb, Debbie Tupper, Cindy Ivester, Susan Titus, Anne Crawley and Alice Stieve. CBGC is looking forward to seeing them at the monthly meetings and special events.
Article written by Karen Luzuriaga and photos taken by Alice Stieve and Debbie Boze, all from the Chesapeake Bay Garden Club.