23 April 2019
Hostess Team

Lunch was served at 12 noon by Linda Hixon, Head Hostess, assisted by Anne Crawley, Margie Gano, Sharon Stieber, Veda Watts, Carol Henderson, Darleen Nelson, and Roz Messing.
Call to Order
President, Helen Bell called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m. Karen Luzuriaga, standing in for Chaplain Cindy Boyce shared a poem entitled, “Garden of Eden” by Bettejane Brown, followed by repetition of our Garden Club Prayer and the Conservation Pledge.
Speaker: Paula Boundy, "Eastern Bluebirds"

Susan Brandli introduced our speaker, Paula Boundy, a Master Naturalist, and member of the Virginia Bluebird Society, National Audubon Society, and Native Plant Society, who gave a power point presentation about bluebirds. Eastern Bluebirds are cavity nesters – very clean and neat, using all one kind of nesting material. Boxes should be placed 4-5 feet above ground, with stovepipe as baffles on the pole to keep out predators – feral cats and squirrels. The birds will raise 3 broods from March - September, with 4-6 eggs in a brood. The box must be cleaned after each fledgling, which happens in about 15 days after they are hatched. Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, Tree Swallows, and Brownheaded Nuthatches also nest in bluebird boxes; Starlings and House Sparrows are unwelcome invaders. Pokeweed is great food for bluebirds.
Paula concluded with sharing a website to hear bluebirds sing: allaboutbirds.org, search for Eastern Bluebirds, select ‘listen live’ and bookmark the site under your favorites.
Minutes of the March General Meeting, prepared by Kathie Truxall and approved by Carol Henderson and Karen Peterson, were e-mailed to the members. The Treasurer’s Report for March, prepared by Treasurer, Debbie Boze, was also e-mailed. Debbie reminded members to pay their dues of $40 payable to CBGC before May 31, if they wish to join for next year.
Jan Shriver made a special report about placing a butterfly chair outside the Butterfly House in the Elizabethan Gardens on Roanoke Island, NC, in honor of her late husband, David, who was a long-time member of Chesapeake Bay Garden Club. She shared pictures of the event.
President’s Report
Helen congratulated Linda Hixon, Chairman of the Civic Development Committee, and her team of 17 club members who conducted a successful Ready, Set, Grow Program for 5 classes of First Graders at Northumberland Elementary School on Friday, April 12.
She also recognized Sharon Stieber, Kathie Truxall, Patsy Sylvia, and Carol Medlin who participated in the Rappahannock Art League “Art and Bloom” show on April 5-6 in Kilmarnock.
Helen thanked Rebecca Elston, Anne Crawley, Alice Stieve, and Vicky Bowen for helping her weed at Hughlettt’s Tavern in Heathsville on April 16.
Horticulture Show Update - Helen reminded members about the Horticulture Specialty Flower Show on May 17-18 in the Transportation Museum Building at Hughlett’s Tavern in Heathsville. Bring your entries on Friday morning between 9:00 and 12:00; judging will begin at 1:30 p.m. Please take entry cards with you today so you can fill them out in advance, but assistance will be available at the site, if needed. For staging purposes, please remember to preregister with Anne Haynie by May 11, if you are going to exhibit any potted plants. The pot size should be no larger than 18 inches in diameter.
The show is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday. Volunteers are needed to hostess on Saturday for two shifts of two hours each (9-11 a.m. and 11 a.m. -1 p.m.); please contact Rebecca Elston, Flower Show Chairman, if you can help. Posters to advertise the show are available to take with you today to post in public locations. The Staging Committee also needs help setting up tables and putting on table skirting on Thursday, May 16, from 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Unfinished business - Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Debbie Boze, introduced the following slate of officers for the upcoming two year term (2019-2021):
Kathie Truxall, President
Wonda Allain, First Vice President
Helen Bell, Second Vice President
Sharon Lemke, Recording Secretary
Sue Moore, Assistant Recording Secretary
Debbie Boze, Treasurer
Sandra Ehlert, Assistant Treasurer
Anne Haynie, Corresponding Secretary
Nominations from the floor were requested for each office. None being made, Debbie moved we accept the slate of officers as presented. Patsy Sylvia seconded the motion and the motion passed. Installation of officers will be held at the luncheon on June 12th at the Indian Creek Yacht & Country Club. Please give your lunch choice and payment of $22 to Margie Gano by June 1, if you plan to attend.
The President elect made known the need to fill the chairmanship for two important committees: Hospitality and Way & Means.
Committee Reports
Membership - Chairman, Carol Cole reported 5 guests (Lee Langford, Cindy Ivester, Cathy Ortiz, Pam VanScoy, and Claudia Hidey) and 40 members present, including a new member, Susan Titus.
Hospitality Committee - Susan Brandli announced sheets were being circulated again for signing up to serve as a hostess/provide food at next year’s meetings. Such duty is one of the membership requirements.
Birds & Butterflies Committee - Susan Brandli also announced the need for volunteers to monitor the six blue bird houses located on each of two trails– one behind the new Courthouse in Heathsville and the other at Ace Hardware in Lottsburg. She also offered bluebird boxes for sale, made by the Tavern Woodworkers for $20.00 – proceeds donated to Tavern Preservation.
Awards - The following awards were received at the Virginia Federated Garden Club State Convention in Williamsburg from March 31 - April 2: Club Yearbook (blue + orange rosette), Historic Preservation (blue), Youth Horticulture Education – Ready, Set, Grow (blue), The Saved Seed Educational Award (blue), and the Publicity Press Book (blue + pink rosette). Our Press Book will be judged on the National Level and awarded at the National Garden Club Annual Convention in Biloxi, MS, April 29 - May 2, 2019.
Landscape Design - Debbie Gillispie announced a brief meeting of her committee members immediately following today’s meeting.
Horticulture - Rebecca Elston reported today’s horticulture awards: Sharon Lemke - 2 blue; Sharon Jachimski: 4 blue, 1 red; Patsy Sylvia: 1 blue, 2 red; Elizabeth Cali: 3 blue, 2 red, 1 yellow; Rebecca Elston: 5 blue, 2 red; Anne Haynie: 4 blue; Bobby Brogden: 3 blue; Jacqui Penney: 3 blue; Kathie Truxall: 1 blue; Sharon Stieber: 7 blue and Best in Show; Maryalyce Johnson: 2 red; Carol Cole: 3 blue; Sue Moore: 4 blue, 2 red; Karen Luzuriaga: 4 blue, 1 red; Helen Bell: 9 blue, 3 red, 1 yellow, 1 white. There were 71 entries from 15 members.
Floral Exhibits - Sharon Stieber reported the awards for today’s Illuminary Design: Novice - Debbie Gwaltney, blue; Elizabeth Cali, blue; Linda Hixon, yellow; Intermediate - Darleen Nelson, blue and Best in Show; Advanced - Rebecca Elston, red; Sharon Stieber, red; Kathie Truxall, red; and Sharon Lemke, blue.
Nitti-Gritti - Darleen Nelson announced there is still room to participate in the Bulb Planting Workshop at Brett and Becky’s on May 23 at 10:00 a.m. Make checks payable to CBGC for $30.00, if you would like to participate.