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CBGC General Meeting - Sep 2020

Updated: Oct 12, 2020

02 October 2020

Call to Order

One can always find a way. Chesapeake Bay Garden Club (CBGC) managed to have its first meaning for the year 2021 -2021. On September 22, 2010, the meaning was held at Reedville Fishermen’s Museum on 504 Main Street in Reedville. The meeting was held under their pavilion. Members gathered around noon with their own box lunches and masks. It was a beautiful day in the Northern Neck. Chaplain Cindy Boyce started the meeting at 12:40 p.m. with devotional thoughts and prayers.

After lunch, Kathie introduced club member Sharon Stieber, who presented the program to demonstrate the design of cascade floral arrangements. Sharon is a member of the Creative Floral Arrangements of Americas and has been a member of the CBGC since 2012. She created several lovely cascade arrangements during the demonstration. These arrangements have a downward rhythmic movement that can be curved, straight, zigzag, or a combination of these movements. Sharon also showed examples of containers and plant material that would be suitable for this design type. Though the outside breezes knocked some things down, it was an excellent presentation enjoyed by all.

Old Business

Following the program, Kathie presented the Frances C. Biddlecomb “Spirit” Award for 2020 to Debbie Boze. This award is presented once a year to a member who has demonstrated outstanding service to the club. Ms. Biddlecomb was a past president who epitomized spirit, beauty, and wisdom. Kathie thanked Debbie for her tireless and helpful contributions to our club. We are fortunate to have such outstanding members.

The minutes of the February meeting were emailed to all members on February 29, 2020.

The Treasurer’s report for June/July/August 2020 is posted on the club's website in the “Members Area” section.

Corresponding Secretary, Anne Haynie, updated members on the numerous pieces of correspondence sent and received from this past February to the present. Descriptions can be found in the detailed September Meeting Minutes.

Committee Reports

Membership - Sandra Elhert announced that we now have 49 club members. One guest and twenty-eight members attended the September meeting, including 3 new members. Club yearbooks for 2020-21 were available for pick-up after the meeting.

Birds, Butterflies, & Bees - Susan Brandli thanked the club for a job well done in monitoring the blue bird trails this summer.

Landscape Design - Debbie Gillispie announced there will be a RFM garden cleanup workday on Tuesday, October 6th, at 10 a.m. Club members will meet in the RFM parking lot, and then will be dispersed into small working groups around the museum and Festival Halle.

President's Report

Kathie Truxall made several announcements:

  • The Piedmont District meeting scheduled for October 19th has been cancelled.

  • Bobby Brogden will be moving to Fredericksburg in a couple of weeks, but will remain a club member.

  • The October General meeting will be October 27 (not October 22 as stated in the Yearbook). The current plan is to hold the meeting inside at Festival Halle. Attendees are to bring their own food and drink for lunch.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

Article contributors included Sharon Lemke and Karen Luzuriaga.


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