25 October 2018
On October 25th, more than sixteen members and some of their friends, of the Chesapeake Bay Garden Club, carpooled to the Fine Arts and Flowers Exhibition at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond. Since 1953, gardens clubs have been creating beautiful designs that reflect the art work. There were eighty-four designs created by some of the regions most talented designers. The event began on Wednesday, October 24th and continued to Sunday, October 28th.
The Chesapeake Bay Garden Club had the opportunity to hear Lewis Miller from New York. He is a sought after event planner and designer. Miller is also the creator of “The Flash Flower.” Using repurposed flowers from his events, he puts together pop-up street art. This is done during the night, and the people of New York wake up to some beautiful displays of flower designs and a smile on their faces. CBGC watched him create designs on the stage that were amazing. “The Allure of Color in Floral Design” was the name of his presentation. One of Lewis Miller's designs is pictured at the top of this page.
Rebecca Elston, Lorraine Van Wickler, Darleen Nelson, and Sharon Stieber were the designers who represented Chesapeake Bay Garden Club. Their designs are shown below in order from left to right.
Rebecca Elston‘s design (far left) was a floral interpretation of the “Statuette of a Sailor.” This work of art comes from the Russian Faberge Firm. Lorraine Van Wickler (middlle arrangement) interpreted the "Centennial Vase." This is an American piece of art by Karl I. H. Miller. Darleen Nelson and Sharon Stieber co-created a floral design (far right) that represented a Kuba piece of art called the “Belt.” The artist is unknown.
These ladies did an outstanding job representing the Chesapeake Bay Garden Club. It was a fun filled day with friends and inspiration. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful designs, the speaker, and the VMFA.